Saturday, August 23, 2008


have you wonder why are we here on earth? have you wonder why we are here or why we were there? have you wonder why we are doing this but not that? i guess God have a plan for each of us, sometimes it might be bad or good, but definitely there are reason why those things happen on us. we are like clay that had been mould into a piece of beautiful art work. it take times and effort to come out an awesome masterpiece. we are that masterpiece.

i found some aliens like David Crowder, he have a weird style and cool personality. God use this fella mightily to touch millions of lifes around the world. the songs that he wrote are really nice.

another alien is Napolean Dynamite, he is just too weird and too cool for me. haha! i know he looks nerdy and weird, but guess what, he is US legendary top nerd. respect respect!!! In the movie he is a listless and alienated teenager decides to help his new friend, Pedro to win the class presidency in their small western high school, while he must deal with his bizarre family life back home. see, even Napolean have ups and downs. However, he helped his best friend Pedro to win the class presidency at the end, with the sacrifice of his awesome alienated dance.haha! you might not know that Pedro might be the next president of US, and Napolean the vice president! man thats really gonna be funny if this really happen. hahaha! Again, God have a plan for each of us, there are people around us, maybe they are there or be a part of your life by the wills of God. just like Pedro and Napolean.(although this is just a movie) hehehe!

another alien fella who i think he is still making a difference in this world. that is Samuela, hahaha! i really want to thank God for everything that had happened to me in every parts of my life. without the moulding of God i wont be who i am today. God has sent great people, great friends and great family for me. you all had been a great support to me. thank you very much! so be thankful to the people beside you, as what was written in the bible, love your neighbours as yourself. loving isnt hard at all.i guess if we can do that, the future will be a better day. hahaha!

do you feel a bit weird with this 3 alienated fella? emm...looks like they..............i guess they ARE from the same planet.hahahaha! be an alien, and make a difference in this world!


Anonymous said...

Dear Samuel,

Thank you for your insights of aliens and your information on how aliens look like. You have provided a very good illustration of how aliens look like. Next time I see one, I will call the FBI.

Joyuai said...
